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Premix, tuned to quality


  • Outstanding quality
  • Flexible technology of manufacturing
  • Standard- and unique products
  • Short period of production

QualiFeed, quality without compromise.

QualiFeed is an acronym of the words Quality and Feed, it refers to the outstanding quality of  our premixes.  Quality means the most important features of a product, has to be taken into consideration when we make a decision. QualiFeed premixes have been being manufactured from raw materials purchased from reliable suppliers of western-europe, in our newly equipped mixing plant. The partly automatized production and the documentation of production flow superwised by HACCP, are the guarantee for the continuously perfect quality.

QualiFeed brandname and logo is a registered trade mark in the EU!

FlexiBlend, flexible technology of production.

Our flexible technology of production allows us to produce individual products from 300 kgs of quantity. The composition of blends can be changed even by every charge. Manufacturing similar products one after the other or producing different kind of blends by charges is not a challenge for us. 

Standard  and unique products .

We made - by using the newest technical proposals - a standard product range for small farms. These allow them efficient production on a high level. For bigger stockbreeders who permanently look for the best solutions can be reached, we offer unique products, which are customized for their farms. 

Short period of manufacture.

Our standard products are available in our warehouse permanently. We make your unique blend in few days and deliver to yours if needed.